Stay up to date with information from the Office of Orientation on USF's Tampa campus

Beyond The Polo: Matthew Diaz

Matt Diaz was a 2008 Orientation Team Leader. The experience taught him many useful life skills such as “always being 5 minutes early for a meeting,” time management, and helped him to become more outgoing and charismatic.

Since being an OTL he has held many leadership positions, such as USF Amassador, Senate President Protempore, and was just elected as the USF Student Body President. He is an active member in the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and has served as their Senior Marshall of the Standards Board.

One of his most meaningful experiences at USF was when he acted as a site leader for Alternative Spring Break. He says that it, “made [him] appreciate everything [he has] in his life and how fortunate [he is] to be in college.” Matt will be graduating in the spring of 2012 and plans to go on to law school. He is very appreciative towards his former position as an OTL. Being an OTL, “made me love USF and made me feel more like a USF bull.”

Beyond The Polo: Dan Shelnutt

Dan Shelnutt was a member of the 2007 Orientation Team Leader and had these insights to share on how the position helped him succeed in his endeavors during his time at the University of South Florida, as well as at the University of South Carolina, where he currently works as a part of the Master’s program.

Regarding the OTL position, Mr. Shelnutt had this to offer:  “The OTL position was my first leadership position on this campus, and to this day, I still consider it the best leadership experience I had the opportunity of holding….I will remember the position most for the confidence I gained.” Mr. Shelnutt further explained what this confidence meant to him by stating that it gave him the “confidence to speak in front of people, confidence to show my Bull Pride, and confidence to lead.”

After being offered the OTL position, Mr. Shelnutt assured himself of his school spirit and ability to relate to others and was more than excited to share this with incoming students. After his OTL summer Mr. Shelnutt stated that he reached a turning point in his undergraduate experience and used his newfound confidence to serve as a Resident Assistant for 3 years, as well as having the honor of being one of the first Senior RA’S. He also became a 3-term SG Senator and chaired the finance committee for 2 terms.

After graduating in the Spring of 2010, Mr. Shelnutt was accepted to attend the University of South Carolina, where his passion for working with first-year students is now part of his education as a first year Masters’ Student in Higher Education and Student Affairs.